Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Article Marketing Has Just Become Much More Profitable

If you've ever tried article marketing and given up after a short while because the results just didn't seem worth the effort, now may very well be the time to give it another shot. That's what I'm doing, and I feel that with the help of this new resource, I'll be able to stick with it and make it work for me.

Anik Singal of Affiliate Classroom has launched a new article directory site that is different. Besides the usual traffic you can generate to your website, you can make money in several different ways directly through the site by putting your articles up there. Cost? Nada.

To celebrate the launch of this new site, called Affsphere, Anik has also put together an incredible deal to help you become an ace article marketer. I'm not going to say any more about it right now. You can see for yourself here.

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Friday, November 23, 2007

Nitro Marketing Airs Out Internet Marketing Dirty Laundry

Everyone who has ever started an online business has gone through some times of extreme frustration. Many gave up, some others got through somehow and came out successful on the other side after a steep learning curve. There is a pervasive sense that the IM world has some smelly dirty laundry that needs airing.

The folks at Nitro Marketing have just brought out a report in which they clearly pinpoint the main source of al this frustration, why it isn't your fault if all your efforts so far just haven't been adding up, and what to look out for if you want to reduce the learning curve to a fraction of what it usually takes.

You can download the high-value report for free by going here. It contains some truths that may be shocking to some, especially to those who like to dream about getting rich quick. If you're ready to face the reality of growing a successful business, read the report now.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

An Exercise In Manifestation

Is the Law of Attraction real? Does it work?

Heated controversy keeps buzzing all over the web in relation to these questions. Some are saying it's utter bunk, reminding me of the dwarves toward the end of C.S. Lewis' The Last Battle - "...so afraid to be taken in that they can not be taken out..." Others are gushing some cloying pink stuff all over the screen in true New Age flake fashion.
Somewhere in the middle between these two extremes I think some true wisdom is to be found. Personally, I have been extremely successful at using the Law of Attraction to maintain excellent health and ideal weight at zero cost. Historically I have not proven to be equally skillful at manifesting income and material wealth. So now I've made it my mission to learn how to apply whatever it is that's given me such a great health mindset to grow an awesome wealth mindset as well.
The first thing I'm noticing is the amount of self-discipline involved in controlling my thought processes to the degree required for making this whole thing work. It seems to take less effort to think negative thoughts than positive ones. The discipline aspect is something that has been downplayed by some of the manifestation gurus. People only want to hear about stuff that's easy.
Having said all that, I do feel I'm making a lot of progress. My current biggest objective is to manifest ownership of a five-or-more acre property in the Puna district of the Big Island. Within two months. From a starting point of having been chronically broke for the last eight years.
Right now I'm at the point where I'm 100% confident that my perfect acreage is there waiting for me, and once I find it, the rest will follow like a breeze. I'm seeing myself already there, watching the sun rise over the Pacific Ocean, planting a riotous diversity of gorgeous vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs in the deep volcanic soil, wandering through the beautiful mature forest that covers part of the property, exquisitely handcrafting my cozy dream home.....
Why is this progress? Because not too long ago, I just couldn't quite get my head around it, I was too concerned with the how, making me focus on all kinds of intermediate steps I thought would be necessary that were really dead-end detours. I asked for a J.O.B. and got one. Over and over again. Now I've asked directly for my own dream homestead and It will show up just like everything else I've ever truly asked for has shown up.

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Magic Is Afoot.....

One of the most interesting characters I've found to be doing the rounds in the world of business and marketing is Ben Mack, author of Think Two Products Ahead.
After carefully watching his moves for about a year and a half I know this guy is not at all like your average quasi-guru of get-rich-quick-online BS, of which you can find hundreds of examples at the blink of an eye. Instead, he is a serious, genuine and caring entrepreneur who brings an almost unheard-of depth of vision and expertise to the table, enriched by his background as a magician, novelist and former corporate adman.

Right now he is running a series of free teleseminars in honor of Magic Week, aptly named Profitable Magic. Why is that so aptly named? Because the people speaking on these calls have all made amazing magic happen in their lives and their businesses. And because Ben himself has created a formula for lasting profitability that looks roughly like this:

direct response marketing x branding = direct response branding = PROFITABLE MAGIC.

Do you want to discover how to apply magic to your business and watch your profits soar?

Friday, October 26, 2007

Inner Work Is An Essential Prerequisite For Business Success

If you look at most successful business owners, the one thing they have in common is that they,ve done a lot of self-development work and are not likely to ever stop doing so. Developing a certain degree of control over their own thoughts, emotions, and actions, and gradually turning their weaknesses into strengths.

One of my own weaknesses from a marketing point of view is that all the inner work I've done so far, starting in childhood has changed my perceptions of life so drastically that it can be difficult for me to relate to what the majority of people believe in, want, and aspire to. To find new strength in this area, I've taken up the study of persuasion.

The first thing I did was to read the book Influence: The Psychology Of Persuasion, by Professor Robert Cialdini. This proved an excellent introduction to the topic and I heartily recommend it to everyone. In fact, I found the contents of this book to be so important that I started a separate blog to report on my persuasion studies. You might want to check it out right now, because I just discovered a new resource that will likely propel my learning forward at a rate I never could have anticipated... You can read about it at www.influence.newmilenniumentrepreneurs.com.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Time to revive this blog....

OMG! It's almost a year since I last posted here. Time to get out the broom and brush away the cobwebs.
During the past year I have been taking in incredible amounts of knowledge in terms of running an online/offline business, but due to time obligations related to survival issues I have been extremely limited as to implementing the knowledge I gained.
That is now rapidly changing. The survival issues still remain to some extent, but I'm developing the skill to not let them get in the way anymore, at least to the extent that I am actually taking a few small steps every single day in implementing all that I've learned and still am learning.
If I can just manage to squeeze 2 or 3 productive actions in every day, I know I'm unleashing a snowball. The catch for now is that a lot of these actions won't start paying me cash immediately, and I need cash now! This is where so many new businesses fail: as an employee, you get used to doing an x amount of work and getting paid an x amount of cash in return. As a business owner you invest your time and efforts up front and the financial results are unpredictable and may take some time to show up at all.
The trick is to never let this discourager you.
Be back soon.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Are Fears About Email Deliverability Founded In Reality?

Over the past few months I've been observing a few things happening that make me wonder...

  • Many of the more recent Butterfly Marketing script based sites are set up so they won't accept signups from yahoo, hotmail and gmail addresses. Some other sites ask you not to sign up with such accounts. The marketers in question will tell you their mail will never get through to your inbox if you use one of these accounts, and to use a "proper" ISP email account instead.
  • People considering what kind of autoresponders to choose are bombarded with fear tactics and told there is only one choice if they want their mail to get delivered.
  • I have a yahoo, a hotmail and a gmail account and have been keeping an eye on the behavior of their respective spam filtering systems.
So far, every list I've ever subscribed to with any of these email addresses has been able to reach me and most of the time straight into my inbox. And I haven't even bothered to whitelist any! About 10% goes to the junk folder for the first one or two times, but the spam filters listen well to what I teach them and do their job very accurately. Overall I'm getting less than 0.5% both false positives and false negatves.

It also doesn 't seem to matter much which autoresponder is used, I see many different ones after clicking confirmation links. They're all getting delivered.

From the marketer's perspective, I have reason to believe that deliverability to yahoo, hotmail and gmail is actually much better than to ISP-based email addresses. The anti-SPAM protection mechanisms employed by ISP's seem to be so stringent and cumbersome these days that even a letter from your grandma is lucky to get through. So I would actually encourage readers to use gmail or yahoo as their primary account for receiving newsletters. (Hotmail has other reliability issues that don't seem to have anything to do with spam-filtering.)

Then there is the question of which autoresponder? So far it looks like six of one, half a dozen of the other. To take the observations a bit further on this one, I'm going to start keeping track of how many from each service or script get shunted to the junk folder the first , second etc. time round. That way it should become easy to see if any patterns emerge. Stay tuned for updates.

:-) Nicole

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Death Of Internet Marketing?

One of the recent controversies to sweep the net, or more precisely the internet marketing world, rages around a report called "The Death Of Internet Marketing", released by Mike Filsaime.
There are many people bashing it and many people singing its praise.
I will do neither,as my opinion of it is quite neutral, or lukewarm. I read it a few days ago and found there was very little in it that's new to me. I agree with the majority of points Mike makes, disagree with maybe a couple of them, but my overall feeling around it is one of "Duh, anyone taking themselves seriously as an entrepreneur would have already formulated at least some similar thoughts themselves a while back."
So all this buzz and hype around the whole thing strikes me as a bit stupid. That's why I'm not promoting the report unlike hundreds if not thousands of others. Mike is paying a dollar per copy distributed. I can't be bothered to whore myself out for a few bucks to push something I consider an open door.
If you want to read it, which may or may not be useful to you, depending on where you're at in your online business endeavors, it should be pretty easy to find.
If you do read it (or already have), please drop me a line and let me know what YOU made of it.


Monday, October 23, 2006

Gotta start somewhere...

Yay! I'm doing it!My first blog post!
This blog is going to be about my learning curve as an entrepreneur and marketer.
I'd like to start by sharing one of the most important important things I've learned so far, which is this: don't go it alone, learn from those with a proven track record of success. Whenever you're exploring a territory that's new to you, isn't it great to have someone more experienced around to guide and support you?

Now, as my story so far is a shoestring one if ever one existed (more about that another time).
I do not just yet have the budget to just go ahead and hire such a person to mentor me one-on-one. But what I AM doing is keeping my eyes and ears out all over the web and elsewhere to find out who the best coaches out there are, so that I'll have a shortlist for when I'm ready. And in the meantime I listen closely whenever these high caliber coaches share some of their knowledge in an affordable format. This is proving itself extremely valuable so far in learning the basics.

I'd like to mention one person in particular whose advice, as I've heard it in some teleseminars, has been extremely helpful and inspiring to me.
This is Dave Navarro, a great success coach who really gives people a boost on their way to success. He'll definitely be on my shortlist.

That's it for now, got to go. Till soon,
