Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Death Of Internet Marketing?

One of the recent controversies to sweep the net, or more precisely the internet marketing world, rages around a report called "The Death Of Internet Marketing", released by Mike Filsaime.
There are many people bashing it and many people singing its praise.
I will do neither,as my opinion of it is quite neutral, or lukewarm. I read it a few days ago and found there was very little in it that's new to me. I agree with the majority of points Mike makes, disagree with maybe a couple of them, but my overall feeling around it is one of "Duh, anyone taking themselves seriously as an entrepreneur would have already formulated at least some similar thoughts themselves a while back."
So all this buzz and hype around the whole thing strikes me as a bit stupid. That's why I'm not promoting the report unlike hundreds if not thousands of others. Mike is paying a dollar per copy distributed. I can't be bothered to whore myself out for a few bucks to push something I consider an open door.
If you want to read it, which may or may not be useful to you, depending on where you're at in your online business endeavors, it should be pretty easy to find.
If you do read it (or already have), please drop me a line and let me know what YOU made of it.



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