Friday, November 23, 2007

Nitro Marketing Airs Out Internet Marketing Dirty Laundry

Everyone who has ever started an online business has gone through some times of extreme frustration. Many gave up, some others got through somehow and came out successful on the other side after a steep learning curve. There is a pervasive sense that the IM world has some smelly dirty laundry that needs airing.

The folks at Nitro Marketing have just brought out a report in which they clearly pinpoint the main source of al this frustration, why it isn't your fault if all your efforts so far just haven't been adding up, and what to look out for if you want to reduce the learning curve to a fraction of what it usually takes.

You can download the high-value report for free by going here. It contains some truths that may be shocking to some, especially to those who like to dream about getting rich quick. If you're ready to face the reality of growing a successful business, read the report now.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

An Exercise In Manifestation

Is the Law of Attraction real? Does it work?

Heated controversy keeps buzzing all over the web in relation to these questions. Some are saying it's utter bunk, reminding me of the dwarves toward the end of C.S. Lewis' The Last Battle - " afraid to be taken in that they can not be taken out..." Others are gushing some cloying pink stuff all over the screen in true New Age flake fashion.
Somewhere in the middle between these two extremes I think some true wisdom is to be found. Personally, I have been extremely successful at using the Law of Attraction to maintain excellent health and ideal weight at zero cost. Historically I have not proven to be equally skillful at manifesting income and material wealth. So now I've made it my mission to learn how to apply whatever it is that's given me such a great health mindset to grow an awesome wealth mindset as well.
The first thing I'm noticing is the amount of self-discipline involved in controlling my thought processes to the degree required for making this whole thing work. It seems to take less effort to think negative thoughts than positive ones. The discipline aspect is something that has been downplayed by some of the manifestation gurus. People only want to hear about stuff that's easy.
Having said all that, I do feel I'm making a lot of progress. My current biggest objective is to manifest ownership of a five-or-more acre property in the Puna district of the Big Island. Within two months. From a starting point of having been chronically broke for the last eight years.
Right now I'm at the point where I'm 100% confident that my perfect acreage is there waiting for me, and once I find it, the rest will follow like a breeze. I'm seeing myself already there, watching the sun rise over the Pacific Ocean, planting a riotous diversity of gorgeous vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs in the deep volcanic soil, wandering through the beautiful mature forest that covers part of the property, exquisitely handcrafting my cozy dream home.....
Why is this progress? Because not too long ago, I just couldn't quite get my head around it, I was too concerned with the how, making me focus on all kinds of intermediate steps I thought would be necessary that were really dead-end detours. I asked for a J.O.B. and got one. Over and over again. Now I've asked directly for my own dream homestead and It will show up just like everything else I've ever truly asked for has shown up.

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